Hello, reader! I'm going to talk about Padlet application in that post. You, as a teacher, can make schemes and concept maps for your st...

Padlet, makes topics easy to understand

Hello, reader! I'm going to talk about Padlet application in that post. You, as a teacher, can make schemes and concept maps for your students. Making visual and clear descriptions leads to understand the topic easier. But in that application, if you use it for free, you are limited to post only 3 padlets. Students also can share some photos or schemes with their classmates and teacher, on condition that if teacher allows and accept that request. All management provides by the teacher. Padlet can make the lesson funnier and interactive. You can use it before the class, for preparing some activities or after the course, for consolidating the informations. There are eight options creating padlet. If you interested, there
is an example.

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