Hello reader! If you have never heard something about Socrative website, this post may really helpful to give feedback in a modern & onl...

Modern way to give feedback - Socrative

Hello reader! If you have never heard something about Socrative website, this post may really helpful to give feedback in a modern & online way. Im gonna write some introductive things about Socrative in this post. Socrative is a website that instructors make quizzes to their students. There is free & paid versions of accounts. You are limited to choose what kind of quiz you want to make in free version. But free one is also effective to get students knowledge about the topic. In this quizzes you have three options for giving feedback; instant feedback, open navigation & teacher paced. Also you can manage quiz to show results at the end easily. If you interested, you can look the world facts quiz i made by clicking there. It is really easy to use this website because all of the navigations are clear. Teacher can end quiz whatever he/she wants or have a look at the results immediately. This quizzes one big advantage is that it is all ONLINE & LIVE. If you have any problem about website you can contact socrative and solve your problem readily.

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