Hi my special blog-reader! In this post, im going to mention about an website/application that not only teach something, also help your stud...


Hi my special blog-reader! In this post, im going to mention about an website/application that not only teach something, also help your students to have a great and funny time together. Let me give you some technical features first. It's Kahoot! and it is used collective. Every student should have their own smartphone to play. It seems like game but it is really effective vocabulary activity. You, as a teacher, become director of the game and your students join that with nicknames whatever they like. People are free to create games, quizzes and they manage time, choices etc. At the end, winners appear like first, second and third. This feature motivate students in a positive way and it may raise their curiousity about vocabulary part of the lesson. You can try a game which is made by me, just click here.

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